High Tech Innovation - Dami
Recently, the innovation of smartphones is quite sensitive to reflect the future trend of the market. Dami, a smartphone company, also participates in the development of creative functions. Our team researched on the 3 functions of smartphone we already used and how to develop the innovative features on the smartphone in the future.
Paypal is the representative system for online payment. When users link their bank account to Paypal, it securely sends or receives the money. Paypal is an innovative software to make a payment in the store. For example, users do not need to bring a physical card that is easily lost or stolen. Also, it cannot expose personal information such as previous transactions. Nowadays, most stores prefer a cashless payment due to the exposure to COVID-19. Therefore, the demand for Paypal will keep increasing in the market.
Reference: https://www.bankrate.com/finance/credit-cards/guide-to-using-paypal/
<Entertainment - Social Media>
Among the seven online social media platforms and messaging apps asked about in this survey, a median of 62% use Facebook. Facebook is most popular all over the world where about seven-in-ten adults say they currently use it. Although India has the smallest percentage of Facebook users (24%) of the countries surveyed, the country also has the largest net number of active Facebook users in the world.
2 innovative functions
<Quit smoking app or software>
We understand that quitting smoking is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face. These tips will help keep you motivated. Even more, they give you ways to change your behavior so that you can stop smoking for good.
Tip 1: Make a date to quit.
Choose a date to quit smoking and stick with it. It’s a great way to mentally prepare to stop smoking.
Tip 2: Put it in writing.
This app makes a list of the reasons you want to stop smoking and put it somewhere you’ll see it. This record can help you through the tough times when your resolve weakens.
Tip 3: Use the money you save on cigarettes to treat yourself.
Remember, the average smoker spends around $20 a day on cigarettes, which is a whopping $600 a month.
This app will show how much money you have saved if you did not smoke.. Then for the fun part - deciding how to spend it.
Tip 4: Surround yourself with support.
This app surrounds yourself with positive words and videos of encouragement.
Tip 5: Work out the stress.
Encouraging you timely to do Physical activity in a timely manner is a great way of dealing with the stress of quitting and cigarette cravings. Walk, run, swim, or take up a new activity.
Tip 6: Reward yourself.
App encourages toTreat yourself at each milestone of your goals. Make the rewards meaningful, like buying something you’ve had your eye on.
“Quitting smoking is no easy task – but if you give it your all and stay motivated, use this app will achieve it ”
<3D hologram image>
If anyone watched “Iron man” before, it is commo to dream the 3D hologram from the smartphone. In this movie, a main actor, Tony Stark, uses the 3D hologram with Artificial Intelligence called “Jarvis”. This program practically supports in various aspects. Firstly, doctors can visualize the surgery simulation accurately. It can be done in the real condition to predict any unexpected incidents. In detail, they can do it on smartphone that it is portable to bring the whole simulation process in anywhere, anytime. Secondly, it is more adaptable in a daily life. For instance, users can fully enjoy the mobile games and movies.
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